Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jan 13th

Another day of the great and the not so good. The great is that Marion is so alert!! Those eyes are looking all around when he is awake. He is trying to talk with them. I wish that I was better at "charades", because between his eyes and hand gestures, he is sure trying hard. The not so good is that he has a blood infection, but antibiotics have been started, and his clotting times are not where the doctors want them to do surgery. They would work for the trach. But the stomach area is very vascular Dr Bain says, and he has called in a Hematologist to consult re the blood counts. So that is the update from today. Keep the prayers coming. I would say cards too, but both my brother in St Louis and our dentist in Reno had cards returned saying that we do not live at 2870 Shale Creek Dr., so someone must think that only 6 days doesn't count as having have moved in. That is all we were we here before Marion's accident, so I do have to say, we do not have a settled feeling at this home.
We love the prayers, Sue

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