Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feb 1st, Sunday

Well, it truly is a "super'" Sunday! Karen and Spencer, June and John, Jenice, Craig and Tanner and Jim and I had lunch with Marion today. After he finished lunch we then joined him by sharing chocolate cake and celebrating Jenice's birthday a day early. After lunch, Jenice gave Marion a haircut, he used to have 6 weeks growth on one side, and approximately 10 weeks growth on the other 1/2 of his head. This new look is MUCH better!!

It just continued to improve. We switched from the wheelchair to his walker, and with Craig on one side and John on the other, and me trailing behind with the O2 tank, Marion walked the entire long hall length back to his room. None of us had seen him walk, (even me, PT walking is early in the morning). It was very impressive. He was hardly seemed winded when he had made it back to his room. Evidently he had told one of the kids that he did not expect to be able to walk the whole way, but being Marion, he did it!

The "party" adjourned to his room then, but started breaking up by 2:15 as June and John headed back to Oregon, and Karen went home to start preparing for the school week. Craig and Jenice started for San Jose by 4pm, so Marion and I watched the super bowl.

Another big first was a bit later when Marion had his first shower since the accident. Yes, he has had numerous baths and washings, but this was an honest, sit on a chair, under the water, shower! The nurse let him sit and enjoy the warm water, and then we had turned the heat in the room high and she brought 2 warm blankets as soon as we had him back in bed. It was cool outside, and he has 2 windows in his room, and he had felt chilly several times throughout the day.

Hope you all had a great weekend also. Thank you for the prayers. Much love to you, Sue

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